我想玩的classes有bodycombat, bodypump, bodyjam...bodyjam我已經上左一堂了, 覺得好好玩, 聽日就去試下bodycombat喇!! 我準備一個星期最少去三日, 喜望可以tone up 個body喇!其實雖然我都唔係肥妹, 但係有時都覺得自己的肌肉唔結實, 身體線條唔靚. 之前又懶, 所以要迫自己做多些運動喇!! 今日仲收到email話我地既日文中級班開得成班喇!! yeah!! will be busy in the second half of the year.
跟住便要回酒店取回行李後,再到函館空港,坐內陸機出發到東京喇!! Tokyo, we are back !!今次住這間酒店, 好近池袋JR站的!!好方便呀!
Check in 完畢便乘車到新宿的六歌仙吃我們這個旅程最貴的一餐喇
~松坂牛放題~ YUM !!!!!!!!! please also take note of the bag next to the window......lo kon bought himself a PS3 and gaming accessories that day as well ....spent so much $$ in one day....I'd say we had spent NZD$2000 just in one day!! CRAZY!!